Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany


Friday, March 24, 2017

That you may share in the fruits of paradise!

- Message No. 1170 -


My daughter. Please tell Our children how important it is that they prepare themselves for Me, their Holy Savior, who I AM, because soon everything will happen blow by blow, and they will have no time to prepare! Tell Our children, please, because those who continue to sleep will be lost, those who think they will enter My New Kingdom WITHOUT HAVING PREPARED, be told: You will weep and wail, for the time you have left is short, but the time you suffer will be long, very long, for you did not want to hear My word, ignored Me, despised Me and shamed Me, but I still give you time so that you may repent and find Me, for I AM merciful, and in My mercy I will forgive you, but you must repent, confess and repent, direct your life towards Me, your Savior, so that I may enter your heart, defend you and take you away so that you may share in the fruits of Paradise. Amen.

Prepare yourselves, beloved children, for the time that remains to you is short.

I love you. Everyone who gives Me his sincere, honest and devoted YES, I will elevate. This I promise you. Amen.

Your Jesus, who loves you so much. Amen.

Source: ➥
